How to Control Your Body, Mind, and Emotions Through Scent

Even though we ultimately only have control over ourselves, none of us actually have total self-control. In a world with so many outside variables, it's easy for our minds and emotions to feel out of control. Whether we’re having trouble focusing, feeling down and depressed, or just can’t seem to get ourselves to sleep at the right time each night, we can use scent to intentionally alter our physiology and consciously guide our minds and bodies in a positive direction. Since each of us has our own unique goals for personal development, let’s outline a list of the most powerful aromas and the potential benefits of each. That way, you’ll be able to craft a personal scent that’s both fulfilling and authentically YOU!

Pile of dried lemongrass and chamomile

Stress and Anxiety

Lemongrass and Chamomile

Been feeling anxious recently? Studies show that the scent of lemongrass produces measurable reductions in stress and tension levels. Another study found that patients suffering from generalized anxiety disorder who smelled chamomile saw improved symptoms.

Oranges on a tree

Depression and Lethargy

Orange and Lemon

Both lemon and orange have a positive effect on mood. Sweet! And, orange oil has two additional benefits—it provides a jolt of energy and has actually been shown to help with PTSD. A study documented that, when women who were in labor were exposed to orange essential oil, they exhibited reduced anxiety. In turn, that reduced the likelihood that these new mothers would view their labor experience as traumatic in the aftermath.

Lavender in a field

Sleep and Insomnia

Lavender, Bergamot, and Vanilla

Most of us know that lavender is associated with more restful sleep, (true!!) but some are surprised to learn that bergamot can do the same thing. In one study, women who smelled bergamot had lower levels of the stress hormone, saliva cortisol. Vanilla has similar effects, as it reduces hyperactivity and restlessness.

Stalks of rosemary

Physical Pain and Discomfort

Camphor, Menthol, and Rosemary

All three of these aromas have been shown to reduce headache symptoms, but there are additional benefits to each. Camphor has been traditionally used in folk medicine and has the power to treat everything from skin irritations to arthritis. It’s even FDA approved for topical use! Menthol is special in that it can reduce symptoms of nausea and vomiting, which are often associated with migraines. And, rosemary, another folk remedy, improves circulation and reduces inflammation.

What seems like magic where aromatherapy is concerned is actually backed by tons of science, which also fascinatingly points out that a fragrance can smell different to you if you have a strong memory associated with it. But, in general, you can expect something like the above listed effects. By now, we’re sure you’ve identified a few scents that you think could help you consciously construct your experience of life. If you want to get to sleep earlier, use lavender or jasmine to do it. If you can’t seem to energize, orange oil will be your best friend.

Whatever your unique scent profile, we can help you incorporate it into the product of your choice. Explore our offerings further on our online shop. You’ll find that you can infuse your custom scent into more than just candles—hand sanitizer, reed diffusers, wax melts, lotions, soaps, and more! And, if you need help deciding which fragrance is right for you, reach out. Our specialists would love to help!

Stephanie Rose

Stephanie Rose is a Web Designer and Marketing Professional.

The Personal Connection to Scent